It’s a Site for Sore Eyes

If you’re reading this, you’ve landed on the brand-new Rx Savings Solutions website. We hope it’s pleasing to your eyes, ears and everything between them.

New website, big deal, right? Well, yeah, it is to us. We were tired of looking at the old one. But what really matters is what it means to anyone interested in Rx Savings Solutions.

We built the new site with an emphasis on more specific and relevant content for our core audiences: members, employers, health plans, consultants, clients and future clients, media and career seekers.

This quick preview will show how there’s a little something for everyone. (Or you could just skip this blog and take a self-guided exploration. You’re already here!)

More for Members

We pour everything we’ve got into building the Member Portal. It’s our “product,” after all. But we realized we didn’t tell enough of the member story on our public website. That’s changed. Members now have a way to understand their benefit better, how and why it works, and get to know the company behind it a little better.

Engaging Employers

Many potential clients have the same curiosities about our solution and service. They also share many of the same challenges brought on by mounting pharmacy costs. We wanted to better inform employers to the ways Rx Savings Solutions serves their employees’ best interests and, in turn, benefits their own.

Helping Health Plans

The old site screamed “savings” at every turn but didn’t do a good enough job of communicating the full value that health plans realize with our solution. The new site paints a more complete picture.

Resources for All

You never know what somebody might want to know or know more about. How does Contact Prescriber work? When is the best time to implement our solution? How do I use the mobile app in the doctor’s office?

We answer those questions through a variety of videos, brochures, case studies, webinars and more. Our old site couldn’t accommodate all the material. This one can.

Did we mention blogs? You’re reading one now, but on this new site you don’t have to read through every headline to find which topics are relevant to you. Like the Resources section, a handy filter feature does that for you. We also recommend blogs based on what you’re reading.

We could tell you how much work went into building the new We would rather you tell us what you think of the result. Give us a shout on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook.