You Pay How Much for These Drugs?
These products can slip by in a typical formulary review. They won’t show up in anyone’s Top 10 spends or have enough claims to be a target. But they can contribute big time to your annual spend.
These products can slip by in a typical formulary review. They won’t show up in anyone’s Top 10 spends or have enough claims to be a target. But they can contribute big time to your annual spend.
Michael barely survived COVID. He never imagined his health could get worse, but it did. Learn how Rx Savings Solutions has been a bright spot in his ongoing fight to get well.
Each day is one day closer to 2023, and an opportunity to implement a member-facing solution that both meets mandates and makes for happier members.
Now Is the Time for Medicare Advantage Plans to Re-align the Stars Read More »
February is American Heart Month, the perfect time to raise awareness of cardiovascular disease, as well as the small but meaningful part Rx Savings Solutions can play in fighting it.
Within the first 30 days, two separate reports revealed details that have never been available to the public before. Each one exemplifies the value of transparency.
His situation is all too relatable for many Americans, but the outcome is one that Rx Savings Solutions helps members achieve every day.
The rush to recommend an unproven drug for COVID-19 led to shortages or unnecessary expense for patients who actually benefit from it. Once again, our solution and support team stepped up.
Flexing for Every Market Condition, Even a Pandemic Read More »
We may be working from 150 different home offices right now, but a quick visit to six of them illustrates how all our teams come together to help members during this pandemic—and all the time.
Even at a Distance, Everyone Comes Together to Help Our Members Read More »
We caught a big price hike for the active ingredient in hydroxycholorquine, hailed by some as an effective COVID-19 treatment. Whatever the outcome on tablet prices, our solution is already helping affected members.
In a time when consumers and companies are under great financial stress, here’s an example of how we help our members and our clients save precious dollars. We’re talking thousands every fill!