Specialty Rx Webinar

Avoiding Costly Oversights in Specialty Rx

Specialty medications now represent more than half of the total U.S. pharmacy spend, despite only accounting for a fraction of prescriptions dispensed each year. As this trend continues its unsustainable path, plans of all sizes are trying to understand how they can mitigate these rising costs. Rx Savings Solutions can help.

This on-demand webinar explores trends in specialty Rx and identifies strategies employers and health plans can use today to control their costs.


What is specialty Rx anyway?

Learn which medications are defined as specialty drugs using today’s standard industry metrics

Tactics that are working...
and some that aren't

Explore how plans are trying to control specialty costs—from copay adjustment programs to site of care

How we can get
outside the box

See how RxSS is helping clients find non-traditional savings opportunities for specialty medications

Key Takeaway

There are simple savings opportunities out there, but make sure you’re supported by the right people and technologies to capitalize on them.”

– Bryan Schuessler, PharmD, MS, CSP
Director of Specialty Pharmacy

See for Yourself

Fill out the form below to gain access to this on-demand webinar.